Saturday, 26 October 2013

How to Burn Calories With Simple Exercise

Everyone wants to lose weight, but some people just don't have the time to prepare special diets or go to the gym. Below are some simple exercises that only take about ten minutes of your time but definitely make a difference. You don't necessarily have to use them all, and can use them in any order.

Walk and run up the stairs. Stairs are a great way to lose weight. It burns calories, will reduce fat all over, and helps the leg muscles. Warm up by walking up and down one flight. Then sprint up as quickly as you can, and jog down. Repeat this until you have gone up and down ten times. Do about three sets of ten. Be safe by using the hand rail and watching for other people.
Jump rope. Jump-roping is a wonderful way to burn weight. Time yourself as you jump for one minute as fast as you can. Rest and then repeat until you have jumped for five minutes

Do weight-training. Body building is a good way to slim down because muscle is the only type of tissue in your body that burn calories when at rest. Use weights to build up muscle in your arms, legs, hips, and torso.
Do squat exercises. Squats are an amazing way to lose weight and build leg muscle. From a standing position, simply lower yourself so that your thighs are parallel to the floor while keeping your back straight, looking straight ahead. Then straighten your legs and stand up. Repeat.

Do cartwheels. Cartwheels are another great way to lose weight because they burn calories and strengthen your arms, legs, and core muscles. This exercise requires some skill and practice, so if they are difficult, move on to another exercise. Notice: make sure you do an equal number on your right and left side so you don't become unbalanced.
Walk. It is that simple. Whenever you walk, take longer steps and swing your arms. This engages your leg muscles more and burns more calories. Walking is also as effective as running; take a light stroll first and then speed up. 


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